Workout of the Week

Week of 10/16/2024

20 Minute AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible)

10 Pull-Ups

15 Box Jumps

200 Meter Run

Equipment needed: pull-up bar, plyometric box

Twenty minutes is awhile to keep moving. But that is exactly what you need to do for this one: keep moving. Find a pace that would allow brief conversations with someone else as you are moving along. Around 2-3 minutes before the workout is done, you should have some energy in the tank to crank it up and move faster at the end.

Modify pull-ups with ring rows, banded pull-ups, or jumping pull-ups, a variation that will keep the movement challenging but doable. Use a box height (or stack of plates or sturdy step) that will allow continuous movement for the box jumps. Run/jog at a distance that will take you no longer than 1:30 to complete.

Remember, all movements are listed on the Featured Movements page of this website. Keep workin' hard! 💪

Week of 10/9/2024

10 Minute EOMOM (Every Other Minute on the Minute) Intervals

10 Good Mornings

15 Dumbbell Push Press

Equipment needed: barbell, set of weighted plates (optional), pair of dumbbells

This workout is intended to move with intention 😁. Each interval, you should complete the good mornings and dumbbell push press with 30-45 seconds to spare for rest. There are 5 total intervals (each 2 minutes long), making the total volume equal 50 good mornings and 75 dumbbell push press. This workout is good to get a light sweat and the heart rate up!

You DO NOT need heavy weight on the barbell for the good mornings! Keep it light. Use a 3-second tempo for the downward portion and a 2-second tempo for the upward portion. Use a light to moderate weight for the dumbbells to go hard and keep each set in 1-2 sets.

Remember, all movements are listed on the Featured Movements page of this website. Keep workin' hard! 💪

Week of 10/2/2024

4 Rounds of:

10 Calorie Ski

10 Single-Leg Squats (Left Leg)

30 Alternating Renegade Rows

10 Single-Leg Squats (Right Leg)

Equipment needed: Ski-Erg machine, pair of dumbbells, small weighted plate (optional)

Choose how you would like to move through this workout. You can complete it by moving through each of the movements fairly fast for a timed effort, or you can move through it more methodically like circuit training is designed. If you perform all of these movements comfortably, then a timed effort would be more appropriate as high intensity is a very effective stimulus for fitness improvement.

Run 200 meters if you do not have a Ski-Erg machine available. For the single-leg squats, only use a target for your bottom if you cannot go to depth (hips below the bent knee). A medicine ball, box, sturdy chair, or bench can be used for that. Holding a small weighted plate as a counterbalance can help with standing up. Use a moderate weight for the renegade rows.

Remember, all movements are listed on the Featured Movements page of this website. You're fantastic! 💪

Week of 9/25/2024

Buy-in: 800 Meter Run Into...

4 Rounds of:

10 Barbell Push Press, 15 Barbell Deadlift, 20 Push-Ups

Into... Buy-out: 400 Meter Run

Equipment needed: barbell with weighted plates

This is meant to be a "heavy at a high heart rate" workout, but do not go heavier than what you feel comfortable with! Make sure you have the mechanics to support moving a large load. Start with the 800 meter run, then move through 4 rounds of 10 push press, 15 deadlifts, and 20 push-ups. After the 4 rounds are complete, perform the 400 meter run.

You may cut the 800 meter run distance in half in order to move quickly and complete it in a timely manner (around or less than 4 minutes). The push press and deadlift weight will be the same. The push press will be the "heavy" part of the workout and the limiting factor when it comes to weight on the barbell. Scale the push-ups to incline push-ups on a sturdy bench or box or on the wall.

Remember, all movements are listed on the Featured Movements page of this website. You're awesome! 💪

Week of 9/18/2024

50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 Reps of...


Forward Stationary Lunges

15 Burpees After Each Round

Equipment needed: ABMAT for Sit-Ups (optional)

There are many reps included in this workout. Your core will feel taxed, and the legs may feel a little fatigued after this one. The work is completed as follows: 50 sit-ups then 50 lunges then 15 burpees, 40 sit-ups then 40 lunges then 15 burpees, continuing down the "ladder" reducing by 10 reps then doing 15 burpees after each round.

Keeping the volume in mind, decide if you need to reduce the reps. There are a couple of ways to do this. You can either start with 40 reps (instead of 50) and move forward in the same descending order, or cut each round in half (25 instead of 50, 20 instead of 40, etc.) You can also reduce the number of burpees to complete after each round.

Replace the sit-ups with crunches if full range of motion is not there yet. For the lunges, you can use the ABMAT as a target for your back knee to protect it from hitting the floor or to reduce range of motion. You can also hold onto a pole or sturdy upright structure to help with balance. If coming down to the floor is difficult for the burpees, do a push-up on a box or countertop then stand to jump and clap.

Remember, all movements are listed on the Featured Movements page of this website. You've got this! 💪

Week of 9/11/2024

12 Minute EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute), Work for 30 Seconds

Min 1: Barbell Inverted Rows

Min 2: Jumping Air Squats

Min 3: Dumbbell Snatch

Equipment needed: barbell across J-hooks on rig, dumbbell, medicine ball (optional)

This is twelve minutes of interval work, every minute on the minute. Go hard to complete as many reps as you can in 30 seconds, and in the remaining time, rest. Start with the barbell inverted rows. The next minute, do jumping air squats. Then the next minute, perform the dumbbell snatch. Repeat in that order for 3 more rounds.

You may use a medicine ball as a target for your bottom on the squats. Use a dumbbell weight that is moderately heavy to allow for continuous movement. It is the intent of the workout to keep moving in the 30 seconds of work. Rest will come right after. 😁 You will get a nice (but not overbearing) amount of sweat and heart rate increase.

Remember, all movements are listed on the Featured Movements page of this website. Get after it! 💪

Week of 9/4/2024

12 (Men)/8 (Women) Calories on the Bike Machine Every 3 Minutes for 10 Rounds

Equipment needed: Echo or Assault Bike

This is a 30 minute interval workout, each set of calories start every 3 minutes. Go fast to complete the set, and in the remaining time rest. Each set should take less than one minute to complete to allow at least 2 minutes to rest. If it will take you more than 1 minute to complete the set at your quick pace, reduce the amount of calories. Remember, it is 12 calories for men and 8 calories for women.

This will be a lung and leg burner! Training with these anaerobic methods will also increase your capacity in aerobic training as well.

Week of 8/28/2024

15 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds and Reps As Possible)

10 Ring Rows

15 Box Jumps

10 Ring Rows

15 Goblet Squats

Equipment needed: gymnastics rings, plyo box, kettlebell or dumbbell

Since the workouts have been on the longer side the last couple of weeks, let's go for something a bit shorter! Moving with purpose and quickly between movements, this workout should keep the heart rate and breathing rate up higher for higher intensity. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in a 15 minute clock.

Perform the ring rows at an angle to do bigger sets. (If you do not have a set of gymnastics rings, then 20 alternating renegade rows will work here.) Use a box height that will allow you to keep moving fairly quick on the box jumps, or modify to step-ups. Use a moderately heavy kettlebell or dumbbell to do all 15 goblet squats in 1-2 sets!

Go to the Featured Movements page to review all movements.

Week of 8/21/2024

Four Rounds of...

400 Meter Run and 20 Dumbbell Cleans

Into Four Rounds of...

15 Hand Release Push-Ups and 500 Meter Row

Equipment needed: pair of moderately heavy dumbbells, row machine

Prepare to work out for about 30 to 40 minutes on this one. This workout trains cardio endurance and strength using monostructural movements (running and rowing) along with weightlifting and gymnastics (dumbbell cleans and push-ups). Reduce the distance of the run if it will take you more than 3 minutes. Use a dumbbell weight not heavy or light but moderate to allow for bigger sets. Those competent using a barbell can do so with moderate weight.

Modify the hand release push-ups to incline push-ups on a sturdy bench, chair or box WITHOUT releasing the hands on the equipment. Once again, reduce the row distance if you know it will take you more than 3 minutes. If you do not have a row machine, you can complete another 400 meter runs instead.

Go to the Featured Movements page to review all movements.

Week of 8/14/2024

Chipper (List of Movements Done One Time Through)

50 air squats, 25 calorie ski, 40 push-ups, 20 cal ski, 30 pull-ups, 15 cal ski, 20 sit-ups, 10 cal ski into…

20 sit-ups, 15 cal ski, 30 pull-ups, 20 cal ski, 40 push-ups, 25 cal ski, 50 air squats

Equipment needed: Ski-Erg machine, pull-up bar, and ABMAT for sit-ups (optional)

I enjoyed the challenge this workout presented to me. In order to get through the volume of reps, divide them into manageable sets that will allow you to keep moving. You will fatigue of the core, shoulders, and triceps in this one!

Modify movements to keep them as strict as possible. Use a box or ball target for the air squats and an incline for the push-ups, if needed. Scale pull-ups with seated pull-ups, ring rows, or renegade rows with the same number of reps. Perform crunches or reverse crunches instead of sit-ups if full range of motion is too tough. If you are a beginner, I recommend cutting the reps in half or completing the movements all the way through to the 10 calorie ski then stop.

Go to the Featured Movements page to review all movements.

Week of 8/7/2024

Buy In: 400 meter Farmer's Carry into…

4 Rounds of: 20 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull and 20 Goblet Lunges into…

Buy Out: 200 meter Farmer's Carry

Equipment needed: kettlebell (moderately heavy)

This workout was tough! The buy-in is done once at the beginning, and you can switch which hand is carrying the kettlebell however often as desired. You can break the rounds of movements into sets with a short rest in between to keep the heart rate up and get a good sweat. The buy-out is done one time at the very end, after all four rounds of sumo deadlift high pull and goblet lunges are complete.

Make sure to maintain an engaged core and neutral spine for each of the movements. Don't let fatigue dictate or breakdown the quality of your movement. You will definitely feel the core being used trying to stay tight!

Go to the Featured Movements page to review all movements.

Week of 7/31/2024

10 Rounds for Time...

10 Stationary Lunges

10 Hanging Knee Raises

Equipment needed: pull-up bar

Ten rounds is a lot. How quickly you move through the movements depends on your strength and skill. You can break up the reps (such as 2 sets of 5) as part of practice instead of focusing on high intensity. If you feel 100 reps is too much volume, then reduce the amount of rounds.

If hanging from a pull-up bar is not yet something you can maintain, you can modify the knee raises to a 10 second hang from the bar only. Then, move to the floor to perform knee raises lying on your back or sit-ups for the midline work. To modify the lunges, reduce the range of motion of the back bent knee with a target underneath or use a stable upright pole to assist with standing up or balance.

Go to the Featured Movements page to review all movements.

Week of 7/24/2024

12 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)

20 Renegade Rows

30 Jump Rope Singles

20 Dumbbell Push Press

300 Meter Row

Equipment needed: pair of dumbbells, jump rope, row machine

With a shorter time domain, push the pace during and in between each movement. Not at a sprint, but at a pace to get the heart rate high and give you a pretty heavy sweat.

Use the same pair of dumbbells for the renegade rows and push press. One movement may feel more challenged than the other, and that's okay! You should feel a slight struggle but only enough to be able to keep moving along. Modify jump rope singles with line hops or jumping jacks. (If you want more of a challenge, try double unders.) If you do not have a row machine, you can perform a 200-250 meter run instead.

Go to the Featured Movements page to review all movements.

Week of 7/17/2024

Five 5-Minute Intervals... (25 Minute Running Clock)

6 calorie bike

9 dumbbell strict press

12 box jumps

15 kettlebell swings

Equipment needed: stationary bike, pair of dumbbells, plyometric box, kettlebell

When the timer begins, go at a fast pace through all four movements. Once done, rest for the remaining time within the 5 minutes. The faster you complete the exercises, the more time you have to rest. Repeat every 5 minutes on the clock.

If you do not have a bike, a 100 m run will work as well. Use a moderately heavy weight for the dumbbell strict press (one dumbbell in each hand).

Use a box height that will allow you to move smoothly through the box jumps (without a lot of rest in between reps). If you do not have a box, perform knee tucks as high as you can or jumps over a short step stool or bench. You can also perform box or stair step-ups.

 Use a moderately heavy kettlebell that will feel challenging by the end of the set. You can substitute a similarly-weighted dumbbell and perform one-handed Russian swings that stop at eye-level (instead of overhead) in case of a shoulder injury.

Go to the Featured Movements page to review all movements.

Week of 7/10/2024

5 Rounds for Time... (15 minute time cap)

5 rope pulls

15 barbell sumo deadlift high pulls

Equipment needed: climbing rope, barbell (with weights)

Strive to move quickly and complete each round close to 2 minutes or less. In order to achieve this, choose a rope pull variation (with knees more bent) and a barbell weight that feels light to moderate, using good form (obviously). If you are a beginner, use this workout to practice the sumo deadlift high pull movement with an empty barbell and a reduced volume (10-12 reps per round). You can also reduce the number of rope pulls to 3 or 4 per round. Take your time with each rep to make sure you are doing it properly.

If you do not have a climbing rope, then you can modify with 15 ring rows or 15 plank rows (total). If you do not have a barbell, then continue using the kettlebell. 🙂

Go to the Featured Movements page to review both movements.

Week of 7/3/2024

Run/Walk 5K

You must be thinking, "Wait. Why should I go for a run and run that far?!?" Running is something our bodies were meant to do and training to do it well is a worthwhile pursuit. Positive physical adaptation and an increase in fitness requires training in different domains, including distance. While running a 5K distance is not repeated often for most functional fitness methods, it still certainly has its benefits (such as increasing cardio-respiratory endurance). Don't knock it until you've included it in your exercise regimen!

Due to the longer distance (for most), start out for the first mile at a slightly slower pace than you think you can sustain. During the second mile, settle into a faster (but still sustainable) pace. For the last mile, push a bit harder to finish strong!

Go to the Featured Movements page to review running.

Week of 6/24/2024

5 x 3 (5 sets of 3 reps) front squat

Equipment needed: barbell, barbell rack with J-hooks (as shown on the Featured Movements page)

If you are a beginner, use this workout to practice the movement. Warm up with air squats. You may possibly work up to a little more than light load if you feel comfortable enough after the first few sets using the barbell. Take your time with each rep to make sure you are doing it properly.

If you have a bit of experience with the front squat, then do warm-up sets using light then going up to moderate weight. Then, continue with a slightly higher than moderate weight across all 5 working sets.

Week of 6/17/2024

10 Minute AMRAP

8 calorie row

10 pull-ups

12 hand release push-ups

Equipment needed: row machine, pull-up bar

With a little bit of monostructural and bodyweight movements, each round should be done at a pace to complete within 2 to 2 and a half minutes. It will feel like a pretty fast clip to complete 4-5 rounds.

Perform the row at a faster than conversational pace. Modify the pull-ups with ring rows or seated pull-ups. Use a sturdy chair, box, or bench to scale the push-ups (without "releasing" the hands). Scroll the Featured Movements page to learn more about each exercise.

Week of 6/10/2024

Buy In: 800 meter run into…

4 Rounds of: 20 ring rows, 20 dumbbell cleans, 20 dumbbell push press, 20 stationary lunges

Into Buy Out: 800 meter run

Equipment needed: pair of gymnastics rings and pair of dumbbells. Time cap: 30 minutes.

You will be working the upper and lower body today in various directions. This will be a full body workout with the intention to move big sets at a smooth pace with light weight.

If you think each of the 800 meter runs will take longer than 5 minutes, then reduce the distance to 600 meters or complete a 400 meter fast walk. Reduce the number of rounds or reps of each movement if you feel the volume will not allow you to complete the workout within the time cap.

Perform the ring rows at an angle in order to complete the reps with no more than 2-3 sets. Choose a moderately light load for the dumbbell cleans and use the same load for the dumbbell push press. These stationary lunges can be performed by stepping forward into the lunge or by stepping backward with no additional weight. Use a pole or sturdy chair for balance assistance. Scroll the Featured Movements page to learn more about each exercise.

Week of 6/3/2024

15 Minute AMRAP

30 plank rows (also known as renegade rows)

30 singles with jump rope

15 barbell deadlifts

10 calorie stationary bike

Equipment needed: pair of dumbbells, jump rope, barbell with weights, stationary bike

With an upper and lower body pull to lift the weights, this workout has cardio and weightlifting work all included. The intention is to work so as to get at least 3-4 rounds complete.

Perform the plank rows with a moderate load in order to complete the reps with no more than 1-2 sets. Modify the singles with line hops or double unders for more of a challenge. For beginners, use a light weight for the barbell deadlifts and consider breaking up the 15 into 2-3 sets as practice or modifying to dumbbell deadlifts. If more experienced with the movement, use a moderate weight where you could perform the 15 unbroken. Aim to go fairly fast on the bike.  Scroll the Featured Movements page to learn more about each exercise.

Week of 5/27/2024

Five 4-Minute Intervals - Each interval consists of one round of…

10 pull-ups, 20 push-ups, 30 air squats

Equipment needed: pull-up bar (or gymnastic rings for modifying)

The purpose of a set interval is to go hard within a time frame. Rest is determined in this case by how fast you complete the movements. The faster you get it done, the more rest you get. You need to shoot for completing the round in no more than 3 minutes and having at least one minute of rest.

Modify pull-ups with ring rows or seated pull-ups (if you can set a horizontal bar lower to the ground in order to sit on the floor.) Scale push-ups by putting your hands on a sturdy box, bench or chair, even the wall. Use a raised target from the floor to "sit" on to modify the range of motion on the air squats. Scroll the Featured Movements page to learn more about each exercise.

Week of 5/20/2024

BENCHMARK: 500 meter row for time

Equipment needed: row machine

"Benchmark" means a test. Use this as an opportunity to push to the limit and see how quickly you can get this done. Record your time, and you will use your score as a resource for the next time you attempt this (usually 3-6 months later).

For a strategy, don't go full out hot! Row to a fast and maintainable pace. About 250 meters in at that pace, you may feel very fatigued and wonder if you can keep going that quickly any longer. At this point, it's a mental game. Hold on to your pace. Focus on your form. Once you hit 400 meters, push it even harder to finish strong!

Learn more about rowing here. This benchmark has a typical range to be completed between 2 and 3 minutes. If you finish a little faster, great! If you finish a little beyond that range, great! Just do your best, and see what you get!

Week of 5/13/2024

5 Rounds of...

20 alternating kettlebell snatch

20 box jumps

Equipment needed: kettlebell (moderately heavy load) and box (wood or padded)

This workout's stimulus is to move fast. With a moderately heavy kettlebell, aim to take as little rest as possible in between reps. The core will fatigue, so make sure your stomach is braced before lifting the kettlebell. Choose a box height that allows for continuous, quick movement.

Learn more about the kettlebell snatch and box jump here. There is a lot of volume in totality between both of the movements. If you feel completing that amount of reps is too much for you, modify to 3-4 rounds or 12-16 reps each round.

Week of 5/6/2024

3 Rounds of...

5 rope pulls and 10 cal bike

Directly into 3 Rounds of...

15 ABMAT sit-ups and 20 dumbbell deadlifts

Equipment needed: thick rope hanging from a ceiling, stationary bike, ABMAT, and a pair of dumbbells (moderately heavy load)

Approach this workout with the mindset to push the pace and minimal rest in between reps/sets and transitions to movements. Target between a 12 and 17 minute finish with a 20 minute time cap.

Modify the rope pulls with 15 ring rows or seated pull-ups. Choose a moderately heavy weight for the dumbbell deadlifts and make it a goal to work big sets. You can use kettlebells instead of dumbbells as well.

Week of 4/29/2024

10 Minute EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute)

Even Minute: 40 second row to accumulate calories (20 second rest)

Odd Minute: 40 second dumbbell thrusters (20 second rest)

Approach this workout with consistency. For the first two minutes, work at a moderate pace. Make note of the calories and reps you achieved. For each next interval, push hard to again achieve the same amount or slightly more. The last two minutes, you should have enough gas in the tank to push even harder to get your best score.

Choose a moderate weight for the thrusters to work big sets and almost continuous movement for the full 40 seconds (since you have 20 seconds of rest in the minute).

Week of 4/22/2024

3 Round for Time...

400 meter run

21 kettlebell swings

12 pull-ups

To perform this to test your fitness, you will have to go into it with the intension to suffer. It takes a flip of the switch in the brain. Go hard from the get-go, and push to go hard all three rounds. Modify the run to 500 meter row, 20 calories on the bike, or by reducing the run distance by half. Choose a light to moderate load for the kettlebell swings to ensure doing either unbroken or big sets. Scale pull-ups to ring rows or seated pull-ups.

Once complete, mark your time. That will be a reference point for the next time you decide to test yourself (in a few months or so). Try to perform at the same standards with the same movements. For example, if you used the row machine the first time, use it again to see where you fair. You will find as your fitness grows, the movements (and the workout) become faster, the loads capable to move become bigger, or the skill level progresses higher.

Week of 4/15/2024

Complete for time… (25 Minute Time Cap)

200 meter kettlebell farmer’s carry, 40 KB sumo deadlift high pull

200 meter KB farmer’s carry, 40 alternating DB snatch

200 meter KB farmer’s carry, 40 KB sumo deadlift high pull

200 meter KB farmer’s carry

Choose a moderately heavy load for the farmer's carry, one that will not require you to drop or put down the kettlebell often. (I chose a load that was too heavy.) Use the same kettlebell for the sumo deadlift high pulls. Choose a load for the alternating dumbbell snatch moderately heavy that allows for bigger sets. Transition from one movement to the next fairly quickly. 

Week of 4/8/2024

12 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds and Reps As Possible)

10 calorie row

15 push-ups

20 ring rows

25 double unders

Find a maintainable, fairly quick pace performing these movements in order while also transitioning from one to the next fairly fast. You should have enough gas in the tank to push the pace harder for the last 2-3 minutes.

Modify the row by using a different machine or running 200 meters. Scale the push-ups to a box or sturdy chair or bench, still keeping the full plank position (as opposed to going to the knees on the floor.) If you do not have a set of rings, perform 20 plank rows with dumbbells or 10 strict pull-ups. Modify the double unders with 50 singles or 50 line hops.

Week of 4/1/2024

20 - 18 - 16 - 14 - 12 - 10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 reps of... (30 minute time cap)

calories on stationary bike

kettlebell swings (moderate weight)

bench dips

This is a workout with a longer time frame (30 minute time cap). The target is to finish within 20-25 minutes. Perform 20 calories on the bike, 20 kettlebell swings, then 20 bench dips. Next, do 18 of each movement. Then, 16 of each movement, etc.

The descending ladder rep scheme is helpful toward the end as you see the number of times you need to perform a movement going down, and that can help you pick up speed. Once again, don't go hot out of the gate! Use a moderate load for the kettlebell swings, a weight that you can keep moving in bigger sets. Break up the bench dips so as to not go to failure!

Week of 3/25/2024

5 Rounds for Time...

10 pull-ups

25 ball slams (moderate weight)

This needs to be performed FAST! Whatever pace is fast to you! That means, modifying to seated pull-ups or ring rows to finish the set of pull-ups quickly. Ensure the load for the ball slams is also appropriate for fast movement. Do not significantly increase speed by wrecking quality of movement and form. For example, you can move quickly through ring rows and still be able to keep your body tight (without "worming").

Week of 3/18/2024

Run/Walk 5K

You must be thinking, "Wait. Why should I go for a run and run that far?!?" Running is something our bodies were meant to do and training to do it well is a worthwhile pursuit. Positive physical adaptation and an increase in fitness requires training in different domains, including distance. While running a 5K distance is not repeated often for most functional fitness methods, it still certainly has its benefits (such as increasing cardio-respiratory endurance). Don't knock it until you've included it in your exercise regimen!

Due to the longer distance (for most), start out for the first mile at a slightly slower pace than you think you can sustain. During the second mile, settle into a faster (but still sustainable) pace. For the last mile, push a bit harder to finish strong!

Go to the Featured Movements page to review running.

Week of 3/11/2024

16 Minute TABATA - 4 Min for Each Movement - 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest

air squats


stationary forward lunges


This one is tough. Have a challenging but doable goal to complete a certain number of reps for each movement for each 20 second interval. For example, a goal may be completing 10 air squats each 20 seconds. It will be a mental game to keep up with your goal. To modify, choose a variation to complete 7-10 for each interval. Don't go hot out the gate, and try to stay consistent.

The first 4 minute TABATA, do squats. The next 4 minutes, do sit-ups. Then lunges. Then burpees.

Go to the Featured Movements page to review the all of the movements.

Week of 3/4/2024

For Time (with a 20 minute time cap)...

Buy-in: 20 calorie bike...

into 5 rounds of:

12 dumbbell cleans

9 dumbbell push press

6 dumbbell box step-overs...

then finally...

Buy-out: 20 calorie bike

Perform the buy-in first, then the 5 rounds of the DB cleans, DB push press, and DB box step-overs, and at the end, finish with another 20 calories on the bike. Choose a moderate load you can move fairly quickly. The weight will stay the same across all three weightlifting movements, and choosing the right weight will probably be dependent on either the push press or box step-overs. If you find yourself struggling to move swiftly with the load you are using, then reduce the load. Keep breaks short and transition between movements fairly fast as well. The target time range to finish is between 13 and 17 minutes.

Go to the Featured Movements page to review the all of the movements.

Week of 2/26/2024

20 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds and Reps As Possible)

20 total alternating plank rows (15 lb dumbbells)

30 ABMAT sit-ups

400 meter run

50 singles with jump rope

This workout is designed to be a bit longer than most to work closer to aerobic training. Moderate loads and bodyweight exercises allow for continuous movement and finding a pace. Due to its longer nature, do not go out the gate really fast! Find a way to work methodically and also somewhat quickly for the work time.

Upon testing this workout, I was able to get a little more than 4 rounds complete. Modify:

Go to the Featured Movements page to review the all of the movements.

Week of 2/19/2024

20 - 15 - 10 - 5 reps for time of... pull-ups and push-ups

With 400 meter run after each round

The amount of pull-ups and push-ups will go down in a descending ladder rep scheme. You can choose to do kipping pull-ups or perform strict pull-ups for more of a challenge (as long as you are proficient). Modify with ring rows or banded or jumping pull-ups. Perform push-ups on the floor if you can complete bigger sets. Otherwise, modify with a plank position at an angle by putting hands on a sturdy chair, step stool, or bench. Each run distance totals to one mile. Reduce distance if running 400 meters will take more than 3 minutes to complete.

The way to go through this one: Start with 20 pull-ups then 20 push-ups then 400 meter run. Next round, do 15 pull-ups then 15 push-ups then 400 meter run. Repeat for rounds of 10 and 5 reps.

Week of 2/12/2024

Death By… Every Minute on the Minute

For the first minute, start with 3 reps of goblet squats. Rest for the remainder of time.

Every minute, add 3 reps and rest for the remainder of time.

You are done once the minute laps you before you complete the set amount of reps.

At the beginning, this will feel easy to keep up with. All at once and very quickly, the amount of goblet squats required within the minute will seem daunting. And you won't want to keep going. But, keep going! Go as far as you can until the minute laps you! This is more of a mental grind than anything!

Week of 2/5/2024

Go through this list one time…

800 meter run, 80 double unders

600 meter run, 60 double unders

400 meter run, 40 double unders

200 meter run, 20 double unders

This should be a fun grind of monostructural movements to train cardiovascular capacity! Find a steady pace to start and maintain in order to go hard for the last round. To modify the run, you can perform a 1000, 750, 500, 250 meter row OR 45, 35, 25, 15 calorie bike. If you aren't proficient at double unders (yet 😉), scale to 120, 90, 60, 30 singles/line hops. For those that may not be comfortable with the volume of distance or calories, reduce it by half. 

Week of 1/29/2024

Three 3-Minute AMRAP Intervals

Perform as many rounds and reps as you can within 3 minutes.

4 dumbbell snatch

6 hand release push-ups

8 air squats

Rest for 3 minutes in between each interval!

Interval training is intended to be intense! We are going to get uncomfortable by choosing a close to heavy weight on the dumbbell snatch. Then, choose a variation of the hand release push-ups where you can keep the set of 6 quick and unbroken. Keep the quick pace (with excellent form, of course 😉) on the air squats. Modify by squatting to a target (chair, small wooden box, bench, or step stool). Perform as many rounds and reps as possible within 3 minutes, then rest for 3 minutes. Rinse and repeat for two more intervals.

Week of 1/22/2024

Using couplets this week, perform 3 rounds of… 

400 meter run

20 dumbbell cleans

Directly into 3 rounds of…

15 pull-ups

500 meter row

Couplets are wonderfully constructed workouts to train work capacity. Effective and efficient. With each round, the total amount of volume is significant for exercise within a brief time period. With that said, this is one of those workouts where the athlete does not want to go too hot out the gate in order to get through all the rounds and have energy to perform the movements well. The time frame to hit the intended stimulus is between 20 and 25 minutes, but give yourself a 30 minute time cap. Reduce the 400 meter run distance if it may take you longer than 3 minutes to complete. Choose a moderate weight for the dumbbell cleans (not heavy). Modify the pull-ups to ring rows or seated pull-ups. If a rower is not available, perform 200-400 meter runs or 15-20 calories on the bike.

Week of 1/15/2024

12 minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds and Reps As Possible) - 

10 calorie bike

15 kettlebell swings

50 singles with the jump rope

This is designed to just GO! Don't go out the gate really fast (or at a sprint). Move quickly through all movements and through the transitions between them. Choose a kettlebell load that you could do all reps unbroken. Modify the singles with lateral line hops (or for more of a challenge, lateral hops over a dumbbell). Leave some energy in the tank to go at a faster pace for the last 2 minutes!

Week of 1/8/2024

10 minute "Climb the Ladder" - starting at 3 reps and adding 3 reps every round - going as high on the "ladder" as you can...

ring rows


jumping air squats


The rep scheme looks like this: 3 ring rows, 3 burpees, 3 jumping air squats, 3 V-ups, then 6 ring rows, 6 burpees, etc. Keep adding reps each round until the 10 minutes is up! The first couple of rounds may feel easy to get started, but then you will feel the volume build throughout the rest of the workout. Move at a quick pace and quickly transition from one movement to the next. Jumping air squats is exactly how it sounds: jump to get your feet off the floor after you come out of the bottom of your squat. You can modify by doing air squats without the jump. You will feel your core burning during the V-ups, and with proper modifying, you can perform a good amount within the short amount of time allotted to perform the workout.

Week of 1/1/2024

Five rounds for time...

8 dumbbell deadlifts

10 dumbbell strict press

12 dumbbell box step-overs

Move fairly quickly through the movements. As you go through them, you will train upper body strength with the strict press and lower body strength with the deadlift and box step-overs. Choose a moderate load that will challenge the strict press to be unbroken. You can modify the box step-overs by not using any weight or using a lower box height. On the last round, pick up the pace!

Week of 12/25/2023

Five 4-minute intervals...

5 pull-ups

10 push-ups

15 air squats

20 calorie row

The pull-up. The push-up. The air squat. The rowing machine. All of these movements are featured in this week’s workout and have been selected as spotlights in previous weeks. The goal is to create high intensity by moving fast (and well) one time through all the listed movements in order. In the remaining interval time, rest. When the next interval starts, repeat. On a 20-minute running clock, go at 0:00, 4:00, 8:00, 12:00, and 16:00. Scale the skill of each movement to ensure a fast, steady pace. (Scaling options are included on the Featured Movements page.) Reduce the calorie row only if completing 20 cal at the end will take more than 3 minutes. Ensure you get at least 1 minute of rest after performing at a fast pace all the movements.

Week of 12/18/2023

5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 reps of...

double dumbbell deadlifts


ring rows

Featuring the dumbbell deadlift, this workout is a top to bottom ascending ladder structure. Think of a Christmas tree. :) This has lower body pull, midline work, and upper body pull movements. As you work up the ladder, find a maintainable pace across the whole workout. It's tempting to go fast from the git-go. The dumbbell weight does not need to be heavy to be effective.

Week of 12/11/2023

21 - 15 - 9 reps of...

double dumbbell strict press

alternating stationary lunges

This is a repeat of a workout presented three months ago. Every now and then, it helps to do a workout again to compare performance times or load and see what improvements show an increase in fitness. That's why it's also important to record times and/or loads for the sake of comparison!

You will just need a set of dumbbells at a moderately heavy load, not extremely heavy or light. This workout is meant to be performed at a quick pace. Go hard (with quality movement) relative to the energy you can lend, not relative to someone else. 

Click here for directions on the double dumbbell strict press. For the stationary lunges, stand up with both feet under your hips. Step one foot out to bend that front leg and bend the back knee to the floor. Ideally, both legs should be at 90 degree angles at this point. To finish, press weight through your front heel to go back to standing position. Work hard to keep your shoulders above your hips (rather than in front of them). Then, switch legs stepping forward on the next rep. To scale, use a wall or pole for support or balance. If you cannot touch your back knee to the floor, bend your legs only as far as you can. Or you can step up on a step stool and stand up all the way at the top for full range of motion.

Week of 12/4/2023

400 m run, 21 cal row, 200 m run, 15 cal row, 100 m run, 9 cal row 

with 50 jump rope singles after each run and row

This was a fun one! As a completely monostructural workout, I enjoyed going from the run, to the jump rope, to the row, back to the jump rope, etc. Transition quickly through each of the movements, and push hard at the end! To modify, do two 400 m run, two 200 m runs, and two 100 m runs, and complete 50 singles (or line hops) after each run, if you do not have a rower.

Week of 11/27/2023

5 Rounds of...

10 pull-ups

15 heavy kettlebell swings

This workout is sneaky. This five round couplet looks simple, but it turns out to be quickly exhausting and grippy (think forearms on fire!) between hanging from the pull-up bar and holding onto the kettlebell. Attack this one with a consistent rep scheme for each round, breaking up into sets as needed. For example, I performed two sets of 5 pull-ups, one set of 9 and one set of 6 of kettlebell swings. The kettlebell weight should ideally feel heavy for you. Modify the pull-ups with any of these options: ring rows, jumping pull-ups, or banded pull-ups. Go get some!

Week of 11/20/2023

20 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)

Rounds 1-3: 5 calorie bike machine, 10 sumo deadlift high pull, 15 sit-ups

Rounds 4-6: 10 calorie bike, 15 SDHP, 20 sit-ups

Rounds 7 and Beyond: 15 calorie bike, 20 SDHP, 25 sit-ups

Reps increase (by 5) every 3 rounds for this workout to avoid a boring grind for the duration. The sumo deadlift high pull load should be a light to moderate kettlebell weight. I recommend using an ABMAT for the sit-ups. Push hard (but not a sprint!) on the bike. If you do not have a bike machine, modify with running and use the following as a gauge. Rounds 1-3: run for 30 seconds; Rounds 4-6: run for 1 minute; Rounds 7 and beyond: run for 90 seconds.

Week of 11/13/2023

For Time...

Buy-In: 100 singles with a jump rope directly into

21 - 15 - 9 reps of ring-rows and burpees

There is some coordination and balance monostructural work with the jump rope movement at the beginning. Stay relaxed and focus on performing bigger sets. Upon completion of that, work through the rest in the following manner: 21 ring rows, 21 burpees, 15 ring rows, 15 burpees, 9 ring rows, 9 burpees. Transition quickly between those two movements.

Week of 11/6/2023

10 Rounds For Time...

100 m run 

10 wall balls (with moderate weight med ball)

You can make this hurt as hard as you want! Even though there are several rounds, this workout is designed for fast work, giving you the best bang for your buck! Use a moderately heavy weight for the wall balls to encourage unbroken sets. Transition quickly between the two movements.

If a 100 m run is not measured, run a distance pretty hard for 20 seconds, then turn back around. To modify the run with the row machine, row a slightly-faster-than-conversational pace for 150 m.

Week of 10/30/2023

Death By EMOM

Starting at 3 box jumps the first minute, every minute on the minute after complete 3 more reps than the minute before until you cannot complete the required reps within the minute. (Minute 1: 3 reps, Minute 2: 6 reps, Minute 3: 9 reps, Minute 4: 12 reps, etc.)

This workout starts out slow then becomes very intense quickly. Starting at a few box jumps, there is a lot of rest in between, but then as the rep number gets higher, there is much less time to take a break. If you feel as though 3 additional reps per minute will add up too quickly to get several minutes of work done, then start at two and add two more every minute.

Week of 10/23/2023

Cardio Intervals

1000 meter row OR 800 meter run (rest 3 min)

750 meter row OR 600 meter run (rest 2 min)

500 meter row OR 400 meter run (rest 1 min)

250 meter row OR 200 meter run

With the designated rest in between each rowing or running distance, it allows for slightly more than a moderate rate of movement with each attempt. It's not smart to go too hard out the gate, however! When you feel tired, focus on proper (rowing) movement and breathing as fatigue can cause form to break down. 

Week of 10/16/2023

Work down a descending rep ladder...

20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 kettlebell swings

and 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 push-ups

With this rep scheme, start with 20 KB swings then go to 10 push-ups. Continue with 18 KB swings then 9 push-ups, 16 KB swings then 8 push-ups, etc. Use a moderate weight for the kettlebell swings. Modify push-ups by using a bench or bending at the knee. Working through this volume of reps will require patience. Use sets as a way to break up them up and take short amounts of rest in between. 

Week of 10/2/2023

20 Minutes of Continuous Movement

10 burpees

15 goblet squats

60 singles with jump rope

This is a workout where the athlete needs to find a sustainable pace to keep moving for an extended period of time. "Steady" is the pace I like to call it. 🙂 Go to the Featured Movements page to get to know the burpee and ways to modify. The goblet squat should be performed the same as an air squat while holding a dumbbell or kettlebell (light to moderate weight) close to the chest. You can modify the singles by finding a line on the floor (perhaps imaginary) and hopping over that line (side to side) for 60 reps. Hopefully, you go at such a pace that you have enough in the tank to crank up the speed a bit for the last 2-3 minutes!

Week of 9/25/2023

5 Rounds for Time...

200 m run

20 dumbbell snatch (35 lb dumbbell prescribed)

To learn the dumbbell snatch, go to the Featured Movements page. And you already know about running, right? 😉 Modify the weight for the dumbbell snatch to feel light to moderate, to minimize rest in between each rep or set you perform. The 200 m run may take around 1 minute to complete. You may reduce that volume if you feel it will take you much longer or run/jog for 1:00-1:30.

Whichever movement you are more confident in, push the pace a bit! Allow for active recovery during the other movement. If you feel confident with both, just make sure you don't go really hot out of the gate! Maintain a fast but maintainable pace. If you do not feel good about either, then just move forward with purpose to chip away one meter or one rep at a time. Spoiler Alert: the fourth round will feel the worst and will be the hardest mentally. So, just make sure you are prepared for that!

Week of 9/18/2023

10 Minute EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute)

Minutes 1-5: 10 sit-ups and air squats in remaining time

Minutes 6-10: 10 push-ups and air squats in remaining time

This workout requires mental toughness! It's important to hit the sit-ups or push-ups under under 25 seconds, transition quickly, and go hard on the air squats for rest of the minute. It's helpful to have a goal on the number of air squats you want to complete each minute for consistency. If you cannot complete 10 sit-ups or 10 push-ups under 25 seconds, then reduce the number of reps. For explanations on all of these movement, go the the Featured Movements page!

Week of 9/11/2023

30-45 min walk/jog/run

Go to the Featured Movements page to get some tips on running properly! Remember, a workout doesn't have to be complicated to be a part of an effective fitness plan. Long, not so long, and short workouts all included lend to using the different metabolic pathways (the body's energy systems) and broad adaptations to increase fitness. Enjoy the simplicity of what this workout is!

Week of 8/21/2023

Four 4-Min Intervals:

15 push-up

20 goblet squats

60 Singles with Jump Rope

Interval workouts are typically set up to encourage fast effort with a built-in rest. Within each interval, the push-ups, goblet squats, and jump rope movements should take about 2 minutes of hard work and then rest until the next time interval begins.

Modify the push-ups by finding a sturdy bench or chair to put your hands on instead of the floor. If that is not available, you can perform them with the knees bent on the floor. Scale the goblet squats by load to complete 20 reps in 30-45 seconds. Modify the jump rope singles with line hops. Reduce the volume if you cannot complete written reps within 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

Week of 8/14/2023

15 Minutes of Continuous Movement of...

200 m run or 10 cal stationary bike

15 ABMAT sit-ups

10 pull-ups

This workout is set-up to be more of a "pacer" workout. Don't go hard out of the gate! Move at a sustainable pace that will last for 11-13 minutes and will support moving faster for the last few minutes.

To guesstimate how far 200m is, run for 30 seconds in one direction and then turn around and come back to the starting point. (For many people, a 200 m run takes about 1 minute or so.)

Click here to find directions for the ABMAT sit-up.

For the pull-ups, if you do not have a pull-up bar, you can modify with bent-over dumbbell rows (move both arms at the same time) with a moderately heavy weight instead. Or you may have a set of gymnastics rings set up for ring rows, which is also an amazing alternative!

Week of 8/7/2023

21 - 15 - 9 reps of...

double dumbbell strict press

alternative stationary lunges

You will just need a set of dumbbells at a moderately heavy load, not extremely heavy or light. This workout is meant to be performed at a quick pace. Go hard (with quality movement) relative to the energy you can lend, not relative to someone else. 

Click here for directions on the double dumbbell strict press. For the stationary lunges, stand up with both feet under your hips. Step one foot out to bend that front leg and bend the back knee to the floor. Ideally, both legs should be at 90 degree angles at this point. To finish, press weight through your front heel to go back to standing position. Work hard to keep your shoulders above your hips (rather than in front of them). Then, switch legs stepping forward on the next rep. To scale, use a wall or pole for support or balance. If you cannot touch your back knee to the floor, bend your legs only as far as you can. Or you can step up on a step stool and stand up all the way at the top for full range of motion.

Week of 7/31/2023

4 rounds of…

400 meter run

40 air squats

For beginner athletes, modify the run with a shorter distance or 200 m walk if running impact will aggravate an injury. If performing the air squats below parallel is not in the cards for you yet, use a target (like a bench) for your glutes to touch. You can also scale by reducing the volume. The target is to get the workout done within 20 minutes. 🙂